why did saul goodman go into hiding

Chuck confesses that it was he, not Howard, who blocked his career at HHM, telling Jimmy that he never considered him a real lawyer. However, Gus expresses concern about Jesse's drug problem, which has escalated into heroin use due to Jane's relapse. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? Let me tell you, the juices are flowing. Angrily, Jimmy takes the phone and breaks protocol but manages to set up a meeting. The exact the number and type of crimes Saul Goodman has committed is never clearly specified in either series, but it can be assumed that he has committed a number of white-collar crimes. Jimmy worked together to build the increasingly complex Sandpiper case with Chuck, who persuaded him to refer the case out to HHM. He had one older brother, Charles "Chuck" McGill Jr. Jimmy later worked for his father at his small corner store and watched as he was repeatedly taken advantage of by scam artists. Mike is shocked to learn that Lalo is at her apartment and has taken Jimmy hostage, and sends an order for Tyrus to get there immediately. Jimmy is planning for the future reinstatement of his law license, and intends to use the customers from his burner phone business as his new clients. Gene excuses Jeff and himself from the kitchen, perturbing Marion. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Saul explained that he was threatened into helping Walt and Jesse Pinkman ( Aaron Paul) and claimed that he went into hiding out of fear of them, not the police. When Jesse's girlfriend, Jane Margolis, dies, Saul sends Mike to clean up her apartment from any evidence linking her and Jesse with the use of drugs. Mike tells him he's not allowed to know this information, but still reveals that Lalo will be assassinated that night. Saul is somewhat of a coward as well as he was intimidated numerous times by his primary client, Walt, and likely feared death if he did not follow Walt's orders. I fucked up. Kim answers, but after being mostly silent through Gene's attempts to engage her in conversation, Kim tells him that Gene should turn himself in, stating that she doesn't know what kind of life he's been living, but it can't be much. After Tuco lets the trio go, Jimmy drives the twins to the hospital, where he takes pride from the fact that he got the twins off from a "death sentence" to "six months probation", claiming to be the "best lawyer ever". Saul is a lot of people's "loose end". Charles Sr died six months later, which Chuck secretly blamed on Jimmy presuming that he was the one who embezzled the 14k ("Rebecca", "Chicanery"); Jimmy blamed his father due to his over-excessive generosity. ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Returning her call by payphone, Saul lies and assures her Walt is fine. Jimmy has repeatedly shown worry for Kim, as seen by his reaction to some of her decisions that have likely been influenced by his own behavior, such as quitting her job at Schweikart and Cokely and her confidently conspiring to embark on a warpath against Howard for insulting them both by destroying his legal career to obtain their share of the Sandpiper Crossing settlement. Regardless, Jimmy openly blames solely Howard for Chuck's death despite his own involvement, showing that he is unwilling to confront his own guilt. Walter is dead, Lydia is pretty much dead, Hank is dead and never was prosecuted, the white supremacist gang is dead, Jesse is gone, Skyler won't tell the police more than she absolutely has to so, I don't understand, why does Saul have to live in hiding? If you decide I get to be a lawyer, I'll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill. And boom! Driving back to Omaha, Gene reaches an intersection. I guess he could learn some of it if he paid attention to the news from New Mexico, but an easy way of explaining that away is to say he wouldn't want to arrouse suspicion about his ties to that area. He was Walter's lawyer and there was no damning proof that he helped launder money. He gives Francesca instructions on how to find a hidden pouch containing several thousand dollars in cash. Due to the computer repeatedly kicking the driver's license back, she requests Gene's social security number and Gene grows more and more fearful of being discovered as time goes on. Shall I go on? Walt asks Saul to inform the DEA that Gus has a hit out on Hank. But y-you're up to your ears in Mesa Verde. Here's what I know: These three young men, near honors students all, were feeling their oats one Saturday night, and they just went a little bananas. Every criminal has a lawyer. While discussing his 87-year sentence Saul said that "with good behavior" he may well get out earlier. Saul has no bodyguards anymore or any backing from any major drug dealer. ("Slip"). Gene is relieved to find out that no one was looking for him and spends the next few days hiding in his house listening to the police scanner and keeping watch while drinking. Albuquerque's next TV star? Quickly dumping Jesse in favor of the much higher profits Walt can produce, Saul is once again hired to launder money for Walt this time for a dramatically-reduced fee of five percent. However, when Jimmy suggests working for HMM on the case Howard flatly refuses to hire Jimmy. And all my life, I wanted to make him proud, and he was not an easy man to make proud. Saul offers Francesca a hug before she leaves to dispose of the shredded documents, but she scoffs and walks out. I - I can see how upset you are, and, even on a good day, you and logic are: [whistles]. ("Caballo Sin Nombre"), Saul visits Jesse's house later on, asking Jesse to try to convince Walt into going back to cooking meth. rev2023.3.1.43269. He is also shown to be devastated over the loss of his former life as a criminal lawyer, often watching old videos of his Saul Goodman commercials and weeping throughout them. You embarrassed Howard who, God help him, inexplicably vouched for you with Cliff Main. An elderly woman named Marion rides her mobility scooter around a supermarket, shopping for groceries. With the Tiburn searching nearby, Jimmy is filled with renewed purpose, dons one of Mike's space blankets and begins walking down the road to draw the man out for Mike. Prosecutor Suzanne Ericsen informs Jimmy that his client Jorge de Guzman used an alias and asks if he knows his client's real identity. The time machine question comes up again in another flashback, this time to when Jimmy, now in full Saul Goodman mode, was hiding out in the basement of the vacuum repair shop with Walter White. Any of this stuff you want, come get it. I can make you a TV star for a price you can afford! You gave them probable cause out the wazoo. Marie sits across from Saul and eulogizes her late husband, Hank, and his partner, Steven Gomez, blaming their murders on Walt. No wonder Rebecca left you! Around this time there was also a documentary released about Saul, which discussed his connections to Walter White and the Cartel. Saul remains unaware of Gus' true identity, only knowing him as a major drug kingpin and distributor who is extremely competent and careful, only meeting Gus once previously though being unaware that he was a drug kingpin. After wishing farewell to Marco, Jimmy moved to Albuquerque. As Kim answers a knock on the door, Jimmy finally answers his phone, only to have a frantic Mike order him to leave the line open and hide the phone so Mike can listen in. You have gotta let me do this on my own.Jimmy to Kim about the cassette tape incident. He also hired people to help in criminal activity. So stop apologizing and accept it. Jimmy's law license is returned, but Kim is shocked to learn that Jimmy did not mean one word from the speech and meant it to sway the members of the committee into reinstating his license. saying indecent exposure, calling me a sex offender. She's married to Craig Kettleman he's the treasurer of Bernalillo County. Answer (1 of 11): Question: In the TV series Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, why does Saul Goodman have to go on the run? Yet. As Mike states that he was hired to do a job and simply did it, Jimmy declares that he knows what stopped him and swears that "it's never stopping me again." Skyler, feeding lines to Kuby, is eventually successful and purchases the car wash ("Open House"). After leaving Ted's house, Skyler calls Saul. Press J to jump to the feed. Jimmy successfully gets Daniel off, but is forced to fabricate evidence of a pie fetish video to do so. Anyway, I thought if I had these two run their skateboard hustle on Mrs. Kettleman, I could rescue her, come in and throw some oil on troubled waters, and I'd get their business. ("Lantern"), Jimmy learns about Chuck's death, racing to the house with Kim in time to see the coroners removing his brother's body from the fire-gutted house. Not to mention the blood in your van. Jimmy is intrigued, but advises Kim to hang on to her new client, Mesa Verde Bank and Trust, knowing that HHM will attempt to keep them as soon as they realize Kim is resigning. The last thing that they would want to have done is to be connected with the disappearance or murder of a prominent local attorney.Lydia was a potential danger; however even she would have realized that Saul could easily ensnare her in the matter if she wasn't careful. Jimmy also reveals that he has no intention to practice law under his own name, and requests legal accreditation for a new identity to the clerk who asks him to sign some paperwork. In order to protect Kim from being prosecuted by Howard's widow, Saul confessed to everything at his hearing. [Breathes sharply] I'm sorry. If he was afraid of the neo-Nazis or Lydia (if he even knew about her) he would quickly learn that the destruction of the neo-Nazi's HQ for meth cooking had been destroyed and Heisenberg, Todd & co. were all dead. Big reason I became a lawyer was Chuck. When Jesse refuses, Saul has Huell pickpocket it from Jesse. Howard retorts with a "fuck you," and Jimmy tells him to use that rage to his advantage. You . But, man, oh, man, not having it, no.Jimmy during his pitch to the Kettlemans. Better Call Saul.Jimmy's famous television commercial as Saul Goodman. And I would like to be a small and silent part of it. () And she's waiting for you. Saul later suggests that Walt send Hank on "a trip to Belize" like he did with Mike. Hey, you know what? Jimmy receives a phone call from Kim telling him that Davis & Main, a law firm in Santa Fe, wants to hire him as a representative in the Sandpiper case. We're not denying that. In Coushatta, Jimmy posts the messages and then gets on the bus back home. Now, if you threaten to pull out, Hamlin would be insane to screw with you. You broke the rules. Because you don't matter all that much to them, so what? You're a star! ("Rebecca"). In the garage, he asks Jeff to take the night shift at the cab company and to acquire barbiturates. Us working together? Speak up. Here we go! Lalo leaves the apartment, telling Jimmy that he expects to be told "the whole story" when he gets back. I wanted her to hear this. I speak from experience! Cliff confronts Howard about his supposed cocaine use. ("Granite State") During their time in the bunker, Saul lies on his cot as Walt tries to repair a faulty water heater. Even worse, Chet had ties to the local prosecutors. Lydia and Jack's gang were in business, people were getting killed, Mike was gone, Hank was an inch away from busting Walt's whole enterprise, Huell, Francesca and Kuby were cooperating Saul had to get out of town. But it's not right. I wasn't there when it was sold. His business starts to grow, and Jimmy succeeds at persuading Francesca Liddy to work as his administrative assistant. Jimmy McGill. ("Half Measures"), Jesse eventually attacks the dealers against Gus' orders, and Walt saves Jesse's life by killing both dealers. He then tells Huell that they might need to leave town. Saul tears open the "We the People" wallpaper behind his desk and takes out his shoe box, which he places inside his luggage. Two masked men, one of whom is Huell Babineaux, bust the piatas while Jimmy warns them about ripping him off again. Is there any proof the confession was destroyed? Ultimately, Jimmy's attempt to "fix it himself" would lead to Marion discovering his true identity, causing Jimmy having to abandon his life as Gene and face justice for his actions. Although Jimmy realizes his dreams have been dashed, he wishes Kim well with her career. You can't afford not to be on TV! It's nothing to me! ("Wine and Roses") After being rescued by Walt from Jack Welker's Compound following the gang massacre and moments before Walt's death, Jesse seeks out the services of Saul's "disappearer" Ed again. Walt, incredulous, states that "you were always like this" and returns to fixing the water heater, leaving Saul sitting on his cot. And Agent Schrader and Agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive. Food for thought, yeah? Try 4. http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/2wjgja/just_finished_the_finale_with_questions/cot9p9x?context=3 11 shadymcdonalds 8 yr. ago Gene is later shown to panic when he realizes Marion has figured out his true identity as Saul, menacingly approaching her in a panicked rage with a cord and threatening her. Numerous cartel and other underworld characters could link Saul to Mike (and by extension Fring) and to Heisenberg. Plot. If they are, it would allow them to aquire evidence against Saul that would put him in jail for a long time, regardless how good lawyer he is. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I'd be gone. But not for long. Saul first appeared in "Better Call Saul" (2009), the eighth episode of Breaking Bad 's second season. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Game over! Saul's initially repeats his speech from the MDC, recounting his kidnapping by Walt and Jesse. His plan to engage a busload of Sandpiper residents is largely successful, but attracts undue attention from Chuck, Kim, and the other partners. WaterworksSaul's last words to Kim after singing their divorce papers. With his mulleted comb-over and. Jimmy heads to the Forque Kitchen and Bar for dinner with Kim, where she tells him that she has been hired at the head of Schweikart & Cokely's banking division. Calming down, Gene wonders why they're talking about this as they are both too smart to throw their lives away for no reason, but Kim simply tells Gene that she's happy that he's alive and hangs up the phone. Kim is disturbed that Jimmy has been selling phones to criminals and agrees to look into Huell's case although he refuses to ruin Platt. He travels back to Cicero and reconnects with Marco. Mike suggests a vote. With the aid of Jeff and Buddy, Gene starts a new routine: he accosts well-off bar patrons, sends them home in Jeff's cab, and has Buddy enter their homes to steal their financial information. Gene is shown to greatly enjoy the chance to employ his old talents as a con artist again while setting it up so that Jeff can't expose him without causing "mutually assured destruction" due to the number of crimes that he had committed. There he met with Hank Schrader's widow Marie (Betsy Brandt) who shared how his support of Walter White (Bryan Cranston) impacted her and Steve Gomez's widow Blanca's lives. As Kim watched on, Saul reversed his earlier statement about being threatened by Walt and Jesse and admitted that Walt would have died or gone to prison had it not been for him. Jimmy embarks on a dubious recruitment campaign for the Sandpiper suit, convinced that the company is blocking traditional methods of contact with his prospects. There are a number of exceptions to the (attorney-client) privilege in most jurisdictions, chief among them: the communication was made, reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/wowrfd/. Per Guss direction, Saul is not informed of this threat to Walt. He takes the records to a nearby copy shop, where he creates doctored copies with the street number transposed into 1216. I'm Saul Goodman. You're gonna do whatever it takes, do you hear me? But after what he went through with Gus and the possibility of people thinking he might talk or the cops are after him left him paranoid enough to leave. Outside the car wash, a man wearing a Bluetooth headset who appears to be some kind of environmental inspector, who is actually a conman, Saul's associate Patrick Kuby, shows water samples to Bogdan and declares they're full of contaminants. () So a guy with cancer can't be an asshole? Look at you, you're a triple threat: great services, great products, and most of all, that face! By Season 5 of Better Call Saul, Jimmy begins to fully embrace his new identity as "Saul Goodman", an alias he initially used while performing scams alongside Marco Pasternak, and later makes use of as the alternate identity for the high-energy pitchman in television ads he produced with his film crew, and when he began a business reselling prepaid cell phones on the street. That was my introduction to Walter White. Despite his hatred of Howard and the likelihood they can pull such as scam off, Jimmy advocates against it out of concern for both Howard and Kim, and is shown to be visibly shocked that Kim is dead serious about doing it, a similar occurrence to his own behavior at the end of Season 4. When the prosecutor starts calling the letter writers, Jimmy sets up an elaborate con where he and members of a film crew pose as people Huell knew which convinces her that the letter-writing campaign is genuine. Hes an accessory to some heinous crimes, and hes the only one left to take the fall. I haven't quite catched the reason why Saul Goodman has to go into hiding at the end of Breaking Bad. Jimmy then decided to practice law under this name, believing the McGill name was buried and not wanting to be seen as "Chuck's loser brother". Mike just replies, "We'll see" and remarks that Kim saved his life. By the time of Better Call Saul's monochromatic flashforwards set post-Breaking Bad, Jimmy/Saul is in hiding as "Gene," the paranoid and mustached manager of an Omaha Cinnabon and now that he . You You have a wife, right, Frank? As he waits, Jimmy discovers that the Cousins included an extra $100,000 in the bags at Lalo's request to pay Jimmy for his services. You were never gonna get it. However, Jimmy senses that it will not work and tells a story about how Chuck influenced him to become a lawyer. The two eventually make their way to a truck stop where Victor and Tyrus Kitt pick up Jimmy and Mike. "Wrong answer!" Saul tells Hank and Gomez that their ongoing surveillance of Mike is tantamount to stalking, and that he's filed for a Temporary Restraining Order with a sympathetic judge. Luckily, Saul knows of a hacker in Belarus who could launder Walt's money through his son's "SaveWalterWhite.com" website. Gene indulges in some of his other old habits as Saul, going to strip clubs with Jeff and Buddy and having one-night stands with the strippers. Jimmy stages a "slip and fall" con, intentionally slipping on a drumstick and injuring himself in the process. ("Breaking Bad"). You are talking about regrets, so if you want to ask about regrets, just ask about regrets, and leave all this time-traveling nonsense out of it! But this little Juan Valdez bump-and-dump? Can't think of any criminals left alive who would want to get him, or how the cops could get to him when everybody is dead. Oakley is forced to finalize the plea deal while Saul sits in stunned silence. And if you decide I'm not a lawyerdoesn't matter. Gene then calls Marion to apprise her of Jeff's situation, but lets slip that Omaha's bond declaration rules are less stringent than those in Albuquerque, raising Marion's alarm. So, Saul Good man was rather foolish when he decided to flee. ; s lawyer and there was also a documentary released about Saul, discussed... Sex offender business starts to grow, and Jimmy succeeds at persuading Francesca to. Not to be a lawyer, I wanted to make proud to make proud a trip to Belize like... A documentary released about Saul, which has escalated into heroin use due to Jane 's relapse worthy the. Is Dangerous | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion that `` with behavior. If he knows his client Jorge de Guzman used an alias and asks if he knows his client 's identity... 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