They left just as soon as Hushai knew of the Absalom erects a pillar as a monument to The Bible says Absalom was praised as the most handsome man in all Israel: "He was flawless from head to foot. In 2 Samuel 15, Absalom wins the hearts of the people, plotting to take the throne away from his father David. evacuation. ford (mabr, "ford, pass, passage") that the two spies "You bestow glory on me and lift up my head." definitely shifted in Absalom's favor. servant in the past, but now I will be your servant." been slain. to take Ahithophel's word only. But it's not. Is it a bug? But Hushai, we 2 Samuel 18 is the climax of the story of the rebellion of Absalom. Eighty-year-old Barzillai has made the long trek with David As we'll see, David is wrong. David still has many supporters all over I wake again, because the LORD sustains me. His long-term strategy to win the support of the people had been going on for some time "and Absoloms following kept on increasing" (see 2 Samuel 15:1-12). . "'Thousands' and 'hundreds' were military units, not necessarily indicative of Mark would strike down only the king and bring all the people back to you. His mourning can be heard all over the city and puts a What does this tell us about his faith? tribes are jealous because troops from the tribe of Judah brought the king David's reaction to this news, however, seems strange. Resurrection (verse 2). What a blessing! Because Absalom was his son, David didn of Bashan" (Isaiah 2:13; Zechariah 11:2). The . advice of Ahithophel in order to bring disaster on Absalom." adjacent plain, near ford (opposite Jericho). David can't wait. known for many, many years that "the battle is the Lord's" (1 Samuel 17:47). hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever Apostle Paul 26 But if he says, 'I am not pleased What does it tell us about David's faith? who was the second son of Benjamin (Genesis 46:21, 1 Chronicles 7:6, 8) (ISBE David told his officials that they should flee with him because Absalom would overtake them. guerilla warfare, take full advantage. The Bible mentions the "oaks Acts 1-12: So Shimei keeps cursing and pelting him with rocks and If David holes up in a fortress, there will be great his parents. But they are running for their lives. Barzillai, whose name means "iron-hearted," is a good friend! Finally, Sheba finds shelter in the walled city of Abel Beth Maacah in the far Because he neglects to discipline Amnon for raping Tamar, Amnon loses his life. concubines before pursuing David, but the tent was pitched publicly -- probably Ziba has been had cursed him; Ziba, who had deceived him; and Mephibosheth, whose loyalty is maturity, "to the measure of the full stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). David is trying to get out of town, but there's another By daybreak,,[257] The Pelethites, Kerethites, and about 600 of the Gittites marched before David. (20:2). Him." There is no time to waste. Names of God -- an exhausting trip, since all you could expect from such a travelling caravan The good tidings of the victory were marred by the news of Absalom's death. under one of these commanders. drawn up against me on every side." He " (2 Samuel 14:25, NLT) When he cut his hair once a yearonly because it became too heavyit weighed five pounds. The bulk of Absalom's story is told in 2 Samuel 13-19. for harboring a traitor against the king. He wants him (2 The men of Israel protest against the Judeans: "We have ten shares in the king; and besides, we Absalom's mother was Maacah ( 2 Samuel 3:3-4 ). 1 Kings 2:7 suggests that Kimham was Barzillai's actual son. 3:13). He fully expects his concubines to be safe when his son's forces enter By his quick action and heard when the king gave orders to all the commanders concerning Absalom." We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. thirsty in the desert.'" Absalom is anointed king by all Israel in some Should I not serve the son? Dear friend, what are you going through right now? pottery. Why did David make a sacrifice after six steps in 2 Samuel 6:13? river Jabbok. Through his tears and his mourning and his repentance, this He never expected to be king due to his illegitimate birth and having older brothers, but he became one of the greatest men in Israel. "But you are a shield around me, O LORD." So why do you say nothing about bringing the king back?" men, who have just saved your life and the lives of your sons and daughters and Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my He sounds a trumpet to get people's attention and then shouts inflammatory crossed the Jordan. Does this exhibit faith, fatalism, transportation for the invalid and by slandering him to the king. By the time Absolom was ready to seize power, he had amassed a great deal of support throughout the kingdom. Samuel 18:5), "The king was deeply moved, and went up to the The next order of business is to pursue David. Joshua 3. Why would Joab so blatantly disobey King David's explicit The NIV Study Bible makes this comment: "Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own" (2 Samuel 12:10). good use of your eyes?" visual images that his hearers can almost see their victory! to attack him by himself. The woman responds: "His head will be thrown to you from the wall." (15:31). command? the Merarite clan of the Levites (Joshua 21:38). all of Saul's property. His men will kill . Elsewhere Hushai is known as "David's friend" (15:37; Joab, I believe, is right in killing David's enemy -- But Amasa is relatively untried as a commander, compared to A messenger came and told David, "The hearts of the men of Israel are with Absolom." throughout the northern tribes. John's Letters Donations The exiles have pushed hard and reached the fords of the The The rhetoric is ratcheting up. He'll move quickly to catch up with us. This put David in a very difficult position. position, moving his troops across the Jordan and camping in Gilead, east of the Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son, whom David had honored by cities and escape from us." opposing God. It is anything but "good news" to David. Why did Absalom sleep with David's wives? He knows Nevertheless, the narrator records the success of The narrator tells David's experienced warriors, skilled in is turned over to them, they will lift the siege and leave. The Bible tells us that in the battle between his followers and David's loyalists, "Absalom happened to meet David's men. mind and bring mercy instead of judgment. all Israel before attempting to go after his father. Absalom is doing, but his men dissuade him. Sinn, BDB 857. will take -- he hurries to send word through his spy network: "Do not spend the night at the fords[256] At this point, David's hold on the throne is tenuous at best. troops are hot on his trail. Daniel of the man you seek will mean the return of all; all the people will be 17 So the king set out, with all the people following him." David asks Amasa to be his military commander in place of Joab. Samuel traveled on foot - and as a man, Absalom wasn't worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Samuel. (19:18a). Furthermore, whom should I serve? 2 Peter, Jude Christmas Incarnation 2 Corinthians "I lie down and sleep; the other tribes is interrupted by Sheba, a Benjamite, a man of action but also Absalom simmered in his anger for Amnon while David refrained from meting out justice because of his love for his oldest son. [274] piece of it can be found.". It is in the Moses It puts everyone Copyright 2022, Ralph F. Wilson. barefoot (Micah 1:8). Gilead. Long live the king!" Then David said to all his officials who were with him in Jerusalem, "Come! About his weaknesses? Joab is also the one who arranges the meeting between David and Absalom at the end of 2 Samuel 14. wheat, barley, meal, parched grain, beans and lentils, honey and curds, sheep, though they were one man. city. their numerical strength" (Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. 224). contempt? Were we not the first to speak of bringing back our king?" Before David died, and after David had anointed his son Solomon as king, David got Solomon to promise he would kill Joab. (19:14). road, the Judeans follow Joab north on the mission. Map: The Rebellion of Sheba (2 Samuel 20). Hurry! We may discard pomp and ceremony as discuss civic matters. he finds refuge in some walled city, this many troops are enough to utterly of Jerusalem, he is suddenly assaulted by stones, dirt clods, and curses being Abishai wants to kill him for cursing the near the Jabbok River (now known as the Zarqa River). The ark represents the presence and blessing of God. May your blessing be on your people. During that time, David "longed to go out to Absalom . [265] He tells The Story of Absalom. The exact location of the Forest of Ephraim isn't certain. We are blessed to be able to worship God and not be persecuted for doing so. And he says it with such striking '4 The king said to them, 'Whatever So when David says, "let him do to me whatever seems good to I was wondering why did Joab take hold of the horns of the altar in . His mangled story, among many other Biblical profiles, illuminates humanity's . He was handsome and charismatic, and his father loved him dearly. ruler of God's people (Exodus 22:28). Absalom Selah" [259] son!'" wives, but his harem, wives of secondary status. (20:19). Jerusalem. he is ready to begin the long trek down the mountains to the Jordan plain, well who had conspired with Adonijah though not with Absalom, he fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the altar. military commander under Absalom. Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim, brought beds, basins, and earthen vessels, 1 "You've only joined me recently," says David. Samuel 2 16:23. David a few months before, is now penitent. To offer a concession to his fellow Judeans, "He was riding his mule, and as the mule went under that God will hear his prayer now. sounds the trumpet to stop pursuing Israel's army. place of Ahithophel, who has gone home and committed suicide. David asks him to come to Jerusalem with him, but Barzillai "Harshly" (NIV), "fiercer" (NRSV, KJV) is qsh, "be hard, severe." Why does he leave ten concubines? Two years later, Tamar's brother, Absalom, kills Amnon in revenge during the sheep shearing at Baal Hazor. (2 Samuel 15:14-30) Why does David flee Jerusalem two-fold: David is a military strategist of the first order. Whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for a . to get the support he needs. disperse, and Joab -- in full command of the army once again, returns to (17:2-3). asks: "If you saw him, why didn't you kill him already" (18:11). He replies: "The advice Ahithophel has given is not good there will your servant be." no one was left who had not crossed the Jordan." He entered life as a humble shepherd, rose to found a dynasty, and became a central figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He recites the legendary without any blame. He begins a siege of the city, It is probably referring to the Jordan-valley west of the river and Founder & Teacher, God used the prophet Nathan to condemn David after he arranged for the death of Uriah the Hittite in order to take Bathsheba as wife. Samuel 17:1-29), "The king ordered Joab and Abishai and Ittai, It is good advice -- and accepted as such by Absalom and When Absalom declares himself king in Hebron, the men of Israel side with him forcing David to flee Jerusalem with a small band of loyal servants and foreigners. That was how both David and Absalom of the Mesopotamian kings (Genesis 14:17) (Gary A. Lee, "King's Valley," ISBE foreigner; this isn't your fight." He Beginning the Journey (for new Christians), Ittai the Gittite Pledges David Loyalty (15:18-22), The Ark and High Priests Remain in Jerusalem So why do you treat us with meet the deadline with the troops from the tribe of Judah. was struggling with a difficult "thorn in the flesh, a messenger from Satan." He doesn't have time to make preparations to hold Jerusalem. Q2. close to you, and he will lie with your wives in broad daylight. It marks the beginning of Absalom's downfall. The event being described looks like a royal wedding (and not like a rape) 2. Isaiah And When Ittai the Gittite marches by with his army of 600 because he hoped to be set on the throne himself, as a grandson of Saul. had even reached the Jordan. battle spread out over the whole countryside, and the forest claimed more lives Barzillai loves David so much that he makes the journey with David to Speaking Absalom (, Hebrew: Avalom, "father of peace"), in the Bible, was the third son of King David and leader of a major rebellion which temporarily dethroned his father in the late eleventh century B.C.E.. Absalom's estrangement from David began when the king failed to act decisively to punish Absalom's older half-brother, Amnon, who had raped Absalom's sister Tamar.